Sunday, February 26, 2012

Streets Paved With Gold

I was walking down the streets of Hong Kong, and money began to fall from the sky... I caught as much as I could, stuffing them in my pockets, in my shirt, in my shoes, and even trying to EAT them.

Then I began dancing around happily, and nobody was looking at me like I was crazy or anything... They just kept passing by without even a second glance, and they were all ignoring the money too.

In the middle of my celebration, I accidentally stumbled and fell back on somebody. YH pushed me back lightly, grabbed some of the money out of my hand, and began laughing.

He said, "How could an old granny like you be so happy about something as petty as money?" because he used to always tease me about acting old. And then he took my hand and said, "Let's spend all of it."

At first, I refused to go with him because I didn't want to let go of the money after having just caught it... but after a few more minutes of coercing and persuasion, I suddenly thought, "What the hell," and we both ran down the street, laughing.

It was a lot of fun. We went to buy clothes, CDs, DVDs, and books... Just a lot of material things.

At the very end, he took me to an area far from the city, where we kneeled down and began praying at the altar. Only he was praying though; I was really giddy and excited and couldn't stop giggling, which made him get really impatient at me.

Then I threw the remaining money at Amitabha Buddha and declared, "There! You can take it all! I left nothing for myself!"

YH was really pleased at this, and he kissed me on the forehead. I was crying though... not about giving the money away - I don't mind that so much, but about something else, I think...

Anyway, it was all just a really weird dream. But it was nice too, I had a lot of fun in it, even if some of the details are a little vague and blurry... I feel like I could write a poem or short story inspired by it...

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