Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7 Most Attractive Qualities in a Guy

I was inspired by a friend's list, and decided to share my own. It's kind of hard, because I've only ever liked two guys in my entire life. But I do have some definite guidelines that may be helpful to other insight, and here goes!
  1. A person who respects tradition. This doesn't necessarily mean a guy who worships ancient deities or cooks using a fire; but if somebody is able to appreciate classical music or literature, that immediately catches my attention. It's also important that he accepts his cultural background, loves his family very much, and will not pressure me for pre-marital sex (because I'm Buddhist).
  2. A person of modesty and integrity. He is secure with himself and doesn't feel a need to constantly brag or show-off. He is also consistent with his actions, and treats everybody the same way in public as he would in private, and vice versa.
  3. A person with either big eyes, hollowed cheeks, or a nice jawline. I will admit, I am shallow. If I ever take somebody seriously, he must have one of these three traits!! A person's physical state will always change, but his face won't... so if I'm going to be looking at that face for the rest of my life, it better be decent-looking.
  4. A person who is not flirty, i.e. touching often. Flirty guys seem very immature and silly; they bore me. And when people touch me, they just annoy me - especially if it's someone I don't know well. I really dislike being hugged, and so I'm more scared of a guy touching me too much than him touching other girls.
  5. A person who is talented and intelligent. These types of guys stand out in the crowd. I would never want to be with somebody who is below my level, or even just average. Intelligence is very attractive, and I think if that person excels in another field - like tennis, or the violin, or even singing - he looks even better.
  6. A person who is carefully maintained and diligent. The only type of person I can respect are the hard-working ones. If somebody looks sharp, even if he is not that good-looking naturally, he still somehow appeals to me. I believe that dignity is also something very important; not excessive pride, but the ability to do something without getting maudlin or histrionic.
  7. A person who always thinks ahead. No matter how wonderful a person is, that won't mean much to me if he constantly gives in to spontaneity and doesn't consider whether or not the time and place is appropriate. I like it when somebody has goals and ambitions for his future, even more so if he's very sure about them.
The most important thing, however - a person who has not wronged me. Because the minute I discovered that I have been betrayed or turned against, it is extremely easy to disregard all of these good qualities... I have never understood why people get heartbroken. To me, indifference comes so naturally when I discover that a person is not really the person I thought he was. He is no longer appealing, just pathetic. It's stupid how some people whine about being dumped or cheated on. Why would you even want somebody like that?! Haha.
My rule has always been that if a guy doesn't have the last trait, and at least five out of the seven other traits, I would never consider him because he wouldn't be able to hold my love long enough~ haha, love and respect are the two things that I give very rarely... That, and a guy should always be both older and taller than the girl he's dating.
That is all. If you would like to make a list of your own, feel free to! Tata~

1 comment:

  1. sounds about right, all that I expected. heh. shallow indeed, woman!
