Sunday, October 27, 2013

Run for the Water, Longhorn Halloween, etc

So that was a great run in the morning~! Really makes you appreciate Austin downtown, which is big but nowhere as big as downtown Dallas and much cleaner. The view by the bridge was breathtaking, especially as the sun rises. I'm a little sad that only 49 people from our class showed up (50 people need to show up in order for us to get extra credit!), but regardless, waking up to get there at 7:15 in the morning was still worth it. I got free breakfast taquitos from Whataburger and free pizza for lunch too.

Then, for Longhorn Halloween, I got to work in the candy room! Couldn't be more thrilled over the selection. And I made a new friend too, who is currently trying to convince me to join CSA (which I probably won't anyway because I don't care to join a group based on ethnic ties). But it's nice to meet new people and try new things.

Later on, I went to the Buzz Mill to study. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling very well so I didn't take on any of their heavily caffeinated drinks and ordered a simple cup of green tea instead, but I still got a lot of work done regardless. The music was pretty cacophonous (who in the world thought it was a good idea to put screeching cars and terrible acoustics together?!), but the atmosphere is just right if you plug in a good, working pair of headphones in to your own study music.

Next time I go there (probably some time soon again), I will try out one of their coffees and see how that goes.

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