Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Art of Drinking Tea

The art of drinking tea... at least for me, haha. Everyone has their own different way that suits them, and that's fine, but I'm quite an obstinate freak and don't like my tea what I consider the "American" way simply because restaurants and cafes here always seem to make their tea too sweet or artificial.
Then again, to each his or her own taste^^

#1. Choose the appropriate type depending on the time of day. Black tea is good in the morning, since it has the most caffeine out of all the teas. Green or white tea is nice in the afternoon. If I ever drink any tea in the evening, it would probably be something like rooibus tea, which has no caffeine and is not energizing.

#2. Always get loose leaves. They're so much flavorful than tea bags... I understand they might seem more inconvenient if you do not have a good filter or teapot, but it's always better to get something less handled by men. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I always feel as if there's a chemical quality about tea brewed from tea bags...
#3. Brew and steep depending on the type of tea!! Oolong, green, black and other strong-flavored teas will probably require a little longer to steep than white tea, but fruity and rooibus teas probably need to steep even longer for the flavor to get out.

#4. Consume as it is - pure and simple. No need to add sugar or milk, tea has a wonderful taste on its own (unless it's poor quality, then maybe not). Slowly take in the fragrance first, and then savor the flavor. If it's still too bitter or flavorless, then maybe add just a little bit of honey.

#5. Sip, don't chug. Tea is not beer (but in my opinion, it's probably not a good idea to chug down any beverages... haha). By small sips, you enjoy it longer. This being said, I never pour myself a huge cup of tea either, because that adds pressure to drink it more quickly... I prefer to take small cups^^

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