Friday, July 19, 2013


So... yesterday I tested for the PCAT.

Four and a half terrible hours of sitting and testing. I also decided to not take a break in between, because I just wanted it all over with.

They printed out our score (excluding the essay, which has not been graded yet), and I am in the 92nd percentile!

Happiest day of my life. Seriously. I self-studied organic chemistry and microbiology and anatomy, and I am just so so happy because my seclusion has all been worth it. I scored in the 97th percentile for Chemistry section too, which I had always perceived to be my most lacking subject.

As it turns out, reading comprehension was actually my weakness... hahaha... but it is all over with, and there is no way in hell that I'm going to retake the test again. I think I'll be okay with 92nd percentile!

Finally relaxed for the first time in a long time too!

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