Monday, June 6, 2011

Sushi With My Favorite Dhost

Nice guys finish last
That's why I'll treat you like trash
It's not what I really want to do...
-Nice Guys, Chester See (feat. Nigahiga and Kevjumba)

My favorite senior dhost rode his bike over to my house today! I have to admit, I was really surprised at his endurance... especially since we walked over to the restaurant Yummi Sushi right afterwards.

^Both of us really hot and sweaty after the walk... -_- Texas heat. Also, I'm terrible at taking this type of picture - I always cut off my own face!

I had a really nice time, teaching him how to eat sushi (which he failed at, haha) and talking about our summer plans. Afterwards, we walked around the neighborhood - again! - and he mostly talked about music and I mostly listened.

Overall, it was a very relaxing day and I'm glad I had that opportunity to catch up. This dhost is more interesting and vivid than a lot of other people, and I will miss him next year.

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