Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Working has made me into somewhat of a free person lately.
  • I've obtained my driver's license
  • Began work as a cashier at Asian Bowl on a somewhat sporadic schedule
  • Began working as a waitress at Hunan Dynasty from Mondays to Thursdays
  • Opened up my own college checking and savings account
I've decided... when I go off to college, I do not want my parents paying off my tuition.

Over the years, they have already done so much for me. I'm going to take that full loan offered, and pay it back in whatever way I can.

In fact... I don't want them to even give me money. I hate that my mom keeps trying to sneak in more money in my account; I can see these transactions, and I do keep a careful eye on all of my account activities. I can't even understand why it bothers the hell out of me; I suppose I should be grateful... but honestly, I don't need it.

I feel like I'm capable of supporting myself now - or trying to, anyway. They have already given enough for me, and I don't want to take any more.

^One of my friends chose to allude to Dorian Gray when referring to the beauty of my ugly metal braces... haha. Just looking back at this conversation makes me laugh.

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