Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Typical Drama

B tried to kiss me in Physics today - in front of everyone. That was kind of really weird and awkward... Well first, I'm impressed with his audacity but I don't appreciate the attention. Just like how I'm flattered that he thinks I'm attractive but I don't reciprocate his feelings.

Sw, one of my close Korean friends, later told me that he asked B why he tried to kiss me. B's reaction was apparently something like this:

"Uh... I don't know. Instinct?"

Huh. At first, I was just a little annoyed at his persistance especially because I wasn't encouraging him at all, but B kept talking to me and then he said some things about my best friend that really really REALLY made me kind of furious. I was going to reject him anyway, but the things he said just convinced me even more that I was right.

See, the thing is: I don't want any drama in my life. I'm a very practical, independent person, and I prefer to not have anybody relying on me too much for his/her happiness. It makes me a little uneasy.

Another thing is the fact that I could never get into another high school relationship again. I don't want to be dragged down, and I can't get rid of that other feeling... you know... but oh...

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